Download RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is a document that contains the plan of learning activities for the fourth grade students in the first semester of the year 2020. It is based on the Kurikulum 2013, which is the national curriculum for elementary and secondary education in Indonesia. RPP stands for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, which means Learning Implementation Plan. In this article, we will explain what is RPP, how to download it, and how to use it effectively.
What is RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is a document that guides the learning activities of the fourth grade students in the first semester of the year 2020. It is developed from the syllabus, which outlines the competencies, indicators, materials, learning methods, assessment, and learning resources for each subject. The syllabus is based on the Kurikulum 2013, which is the national curriculum for elementary and secondary education in Indonesia.
download rpp kelas 4 semester 1 revisi 2020
Definition and purpose of RPP
RPP is a document that contains the plan of learning activities for one or more meetings. It is developed by the teacher to direct the learning activities of the students in order to achieve the Competency Standards (SK) and Basic Competencies (KD). SK and KD are the expected outcomes of learning that reflect the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that students should acquire.
The purpose of RPP is to help the teacher to design and implement effective, efficient, and enjoyable learning activities that can motivate the students to participate actively, as well as to provide enough space for initiative, creativity, and independence according to their talents, interests, and physical and psychological development.
Components and principles of RPP
RPP consists of three core components: learning objectives, learning steps, and learning assessment. Learning objectives are the statements that describe what students are expected to know, do, or feel after completing the learning activities. Learning steps are the sequences of activities that involve the teacher and the students in achieving the learning objectives. Learning assessment is the process of measuring and evaluating the students' achievement of the learning objectives.
Download RPP Tematik Terpadu Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Kurikulum 2013 Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Format 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Daring dan Luring Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP K13 Revisi Terbaru Kelas 4 Semester 1
Download RPP Tema Indahnya Kebersamaan Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Tema Selalu Berhemat Energi Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Tema Peduli Terhadap Makhluk Hidup Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Tema Berbagai Pekerjaan Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Tema Pahlawanku Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Subtema dan Pembelajaran Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Tujuan Pembelajaran Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Kegiatan Pembelajaran Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Penilaian Pembelajaran Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Sumber Belajar Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Lengkap Semua Tema Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Gratis dan Mudah Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Efisien dan Efektif Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Berorientasi pada Siswa Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020
Download RPP Pengembangan Budaya Membaca dan Menulis Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi
In developing RPP, the teacher should consider some principles, such as: individual differences among students, active participation of students, student-centered learning, development of reading and writing culture, feedback and follow-up, integration and coherence among components, thematic-integrated learning, cross-curricular integration, cross-aspect integration, cultural diversity, and application of information and communication technology.
Benefits of using RPP
Using RPP has some benefits for both teachers and students. For teachers, using RPP can help them to:
Prepare and organize the learning activities systematically and comprehensively
Deliver the learning materials effectively and efficiently
Monitor and evaluate the students' progress and achievement
Improve their professional competence and performance
Fulfill their administrative obligation
For students, using RPP can help them to:
Understand the learning objectives and expectations
Engage in various learning activities that suit their needs and preferences
Develop their cognitive, affective, and psychom otor skills and potentials
Enhance their self-confidence and motivation
Achieve the learning outcomes and standards
How to download RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is available online for free. You can download it from various sources and links that provide the RPP documents for different subjects and themes. However, you need to be careful and selective in choosing the sources and links, as some of them may not be reliable, updated, or complete. Here are some tips and steps for downloading RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020.
Sources and links of RPP
There are many sources and links that offer RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 for free. Some of them are official websites of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the National Education Standards Agency, the Center for Curriculum and Books, or the Regional Education Offices. Some of them are unofficial websites of educational institutions, organizations, communities, or individuals. Some examples of sources and links of RPP are:
: The official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture that provides various information and documents related to education in Indonesia, including RPP.
: The official website of the National Education Standards Agency that regulates and monitors the implementation of education standards in Indonesia, including RPP.
: The official website of the Center for Curriculum and Books that develops and distributes the curriculum and books for elementary and secondary education in Indonesia, including RPP.
: The official website of the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education that oversees and supports the management and quality improvement of primary and secondary education in Indonesia, including RPP.
: An unofficial website that provides various educational resources for teachers and students, including RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 for all subjects.
: An unofficial website that specializes in providing RPP documents based on the Kurikulum 2013, including RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 for all subjects.
: An unofficial website that focuses on providing educational resources for elementary school teachers and students, including RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 for all subjects.
Tips and steps for downloading RPP
To download RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 from any source or link, you need to follow some tips and steps, such as:
Make sure you have a stable internet connection and a device that can access the internet, such as a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Choose a source or link that is reliable, updated, and complete. You can check the credibility, validity, and quality of the source or link by looking at its domain name, authorship, date, content, design, references, reviews, etc.
Click on the source or link that you have chosen. You will be directed to a webpage that contains the RPP documents or information.
Find the RPP document that you want to download. You can use the search function or browse through the categories or menus on the webpage.
Click on the download button or link that is usually located below or beside the RPP document. You will be asked to save the file on your device or open it with an application.
Choose a folder or location on your device where you want to save the file. You can also rename the file if you want. The file format is usually PDF or Word.
Wait until the download process is complete. You can check the file on your device or open it with an application that can read PDF or Word files.
Review the file and make sure it is the correct and complete RPP document that you want. You can also print the file if you need a hard copy.
Examples and formats of RPP
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 has a standard format that consists of several parts, such as: identity, learning objectives, learning steps, learning assessment, learning resources, and attachments. Each part has its own sub-parts that provide more details and information. The format of RPP is based on the Permendikbud No. 22 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (Ministerial Regulation No. 22 Year 2016 on the Standard Process of Basic and Secondary Education).
Here is an example of RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 for the subject of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) with the theme of Lingkungan Sahabat Kita (Our Environment is Our Friend). The RPP document is in PDF format and can be downloaded from this link:
SD Negeri 01 Jakarta (Elementary School No. 01 Jakarta)
4/1 (Fourth Grade/First Semester)
Bahasa Indonesia/Lingkungan Sahabat Kita (Indonesian Language/Our Environment is Our Friend)
Learning Objectives
Competency Standards
The students are able to understand and create various types of texts related to the theme of Our Environment is Our Friend.
Basic Competencies
The students are able to understand and create descriptive texts related to the theme of Our Environment is Our Friend.
The students are able to:
Identify the general structure and language features of descriptive texts.
Read aloud descriptive texts with correct pronunciation, intonation, and expression.
Answer questions based on descriptive texts.
Create descriptive texts about animals or plants in their environment using appropriate structure and language features.
Present descriptive texts orally or in writing with clear and coherent sentences.
How to use RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?
After downloading RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020, you need to use it properly and effectively. Using RPP is not only about following the plan, but also about adapting and improving it according to the situation and condition of the students and the learning environment. Here are some tips and steps for using RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020.
Tips and steps for using RPP
To use RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020, you need to follow some tips and steps, such as:
Read and understand the RPP document before implementing it. You need to comprehend the learning objectives, learning steps, learning assessment, and learning resources that are stated in the RPP document.
Prepare the learning materials, media, tools, and equipment that are needed for the learning activities. You need to ensure that they are relevant, sufficient, and appropriate for the learning objectives and the students' characteristics.
Implement the learning activities according to the learning steps in the RPP document. You need to guide and facilitate the students in engaging in various activities that involve observing, questioning, exploring, associating, communicating, creating, and reflecting.
Assess the students' achievement of the learning objectives using various methods and instruments. You need to measure and evaluate the students' cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects using tests, quizzes, assignments, projects, portfolios, observations, interviews, self-assessments, peer-assessments, etc.
Provide feedback and follow-up for the students' progress and improvement. You need to give positive reinforcement, constructive criticism, suggestions, and recommendations for the students to enhance their learning outcomes and motivation.
Review and revise the RPP document based on the evaluation and feedback of the learning activities. You need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the RPP document and make necessary adjustments or modifications to improve its quality and effectiveness.
Examples and formats of using RPP
Using RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 requires some skills and strategies from the teacher. The teacher needs to be able to apply the principles of student-centered learning, active learning, cooperative learning, contextual learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, etc. The teacher also needs to be able to use various learning methods, such as: lecturing, discussion, demonstration, simulation, role play, experiment, discovery, investigation, etc.
Here is an example of using RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 for the subject of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) with the theme of Lingkungan Sahabat Kita (Our Environment is Our Friend). The example shows how the teacher implements one of the learning steps in the RPP document: exploring. The teacher uses a cooperative learning method called jigsaw to facilitate the students in exploring descriptive texts about animals or plants in their environment.
The teacher divides the class into six groups of four or five students each. Each group is assigned a different animal or plant as their topic.
The teacher uses a grouping technique that ensures heterogeneity among group members in terms of ability level, gender, ethnicity , etc. The teacher also uses a random or fair method to assign the topics to the groups, such as drawing lots, spinning a wheel, etc.
The teacher gives each group a descriptive text about their assigned animal or plant. The text contains the general structure and language features of descriptive texts, such as: introduction, description of appearance, description of behavior, description of habitat, and conclusion.
The teacher prepares the descriptive texts beforehand and makes sure they are suitable for the students' level and interest. The teacher also provides the texts in printed or digital form, depending on the availability of resources and facilities.
The teacher instructs each group to read and study their descriptive text carefully. The teacher also asks each group to appoint one member as the leader, who will be responsible for coordinating and facilitating the group discussion.
The teacher explains the purpose and procedure of the activity clearly and concisely. The teacher also sets a time limit for the group discussion, such as 15 minutes or 20 minutes.
The teacher monitors and assists the group discussion. The teacher moves around the class and observes how each group is working. The teacher also provides guidance, feedback, or clarification when needed.
The teacher acts as a facilitator and a resource person during the group discussion. The teacher does not interfere too much or give direct answers to the students' questions. The teacher encourages the students to find their own answers by using their prior knowledge, logic, or learning resources.
The teacher reorganizes the groups into new groups of six members each. Each new group consists of one member from each of the previous groups. Each member of the new group is an expert on their assigned animal or plant.
The teacher uses a regrouping technique that ensures diversity and interaction among group members. The teacher also uses a random or fair method to form the new groups, such as numbering, color-coding, etc.
The teacher instructs each member of the new group to share and teach their descriptive text to their new groupmates. The teacher also asks each member of the new group to listen and learn from their new groupmates.
The teacher explains the purpose and procedure of the activity clearly and concisely. The teacher also sets a time limit for the sharing and teaching session, such as 15 minutes or 20 minutes.
The teacher monitors and assists the sharing and teaching session. The teacher moves around the class and observes how each new group is working. The teacher also provides guidance, feedback, or clarification when needed.
The teacher acts as a facilitator and a resource person during the sharing and teaching session. The teacher does not interfere too much or give direct answers to the students' questions. The teacher encourages the students to ask questions, give comments, or express opinions to their new groupmates.
The teacher evaluates the students' understanding and mastery of descriptive texts. The teacher asks each new group to create a poster that summarizes their descriptive texts about animals or plants in their environment. The poster should include pictures, labels, sentences, and paragraphs that describe their animals or plants using appropriate structure and language features.
The teacher explains the purpose and procedure of the evaluation activity clearly and concisely. The teacher also sets a time limit for the poster creation, such as 15 minutes or 20 minutes. The teacher provides the materials and tools for making the poster, such as paper, scissors, glue, markers, etc.
The teacher collects and displays the posters on the wall or the board. The teacher asks each new group to present their poster to the class. The teacher also asks the other students to give feedback or ask questions to the presenting group.
The teacher explains the purpose and procedure of the presentation activity clearly and concisely. The teacher also sets a time limit for each presentation, such as 5 minutes or 10 minutes. The teacher provides the criteria and rubrics for assessing the posters and the presentations, such as content, organization, language, creativity, etc.
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is a document that contains the plan of learning activities for the fourth grade students in the first semester of the year 2020. It is based on the Kurikulum 2013, which is the national curriculum for elementary and secondary education in Indonesia. RPP stands for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, which means Learning Implementation Plan.
Summary of the main points
In this article, we have discussed what is RPP, how to download it, and how to use it effectively. We have learned that:
RPP consists of three core components: learning objectives, learning steps, and learning assessment.
RPP is developed by the teacher to direct the learning activities of the students in order to achieve the Competency Standards (SK) and Basic Competencies (KD).
RPP has some benefits for both teachers and students, such as: preparing and organizing the learning activities systematically and comprehensively, delivering the learning materials effectively and efficiently, monitoring and evaluating the students' progress and achievement, improving their professional competence and performance, fulfilling their administrative obligation, understanding the learning objectives and expectations, engaging in various learning activities that suit their needs and preferences, developing their cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills and potentials, enhancing their self-confidence and motivation, achieving the learning outcomes and standards.
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is available online for free. You can download it from various sources and links that provide the RPP documents for different subjects and themes.
To download RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 from any source or link, you need to follow some tips and steps, such as: making sure you have a stable internet connection and a device that can access the internet, choosing a source or link that is reliable, updated, and complete, clicking on the source or link that you have chosen, finding the RPP document that you want to download, clicking on the download button or link that is usually located below or beside the RPP document, choosing a folder or location on your device where you want to save the file, waiting until the download process is complete, reviewing the file and making sure it is the correct and complete RPP document that you want.
To use RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 properly and effectively, you need to follow some tips and steps, such as: reading and understanding the RPP document before implementing it, preparing the learning materials, media, tools, and equipment that are needed for the learning activities, implementing the learning activities according to the learning steps in the RPP document, assessing the students' achievement of the learning objectives using various methods and instruments, providing feedback and follow-up for the students' progress and improvement, reviewing and revising the RPP document based on the evaluation and feedback of the learning activities.
Recommendations and suggestions
We recommend that you download and use RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 as a reference and a guide for your teaching and learning activities. However, we also suggest that you adapt and modify the RPP document according to your own context and needs. You can customize the RPP document to suit your students' characteristics, interests, abilities, and potentials, as well as your learning objectives, methods, resources, and assessment. You can also enrich the RPP document with your own creativity, innovation, and experience.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020:
What is the difference between RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 and RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2019?
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is the latest version of RPP that is based on the Kurikulum 2013. It is revised from the previous version of RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2019. The main difference between them is that RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 has more updated and relevant content, structure, and language features that reflect the current situation and condition of education in Indonesia.
How many subjects are covered by RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 covers six subjects that are taught in the fourth grade of elementary school in Indonesia. They are: Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language), Matematika (Mathematics), IPA (Natural Sciences), IPS (Social Sciences), PPKn (Civics Education), and PJOK (Physical Education and Health).
How many themes are covered by RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?
RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 covers four themes that are related to the students' life experiences and environment. They are: Lingkungan Sahabat Kita (Our Environment is Our Friend), Selalu Berhemat Energi (Always Save Energy), Indahnya Kebersamaan (The Beauty of Togetherness), and Peduli Terhadap Makhluk Hidup (Care for Living Things).
How long does it take to implement one RPP document?
It depends on the number of meetings that are planned in one RPP document. Usually, one RPP document contains one or more meetings that last for about one or two hours each. Therefore, it may take one or two hours to implement one meeting of one RPP document.
Where can I find more information or help about RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?
You can find more information or help about RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 from various sources, such as: your colleagues, mentors, supervisors, or trainers; your school principal, curriculum coordinator, or academic staff; your regional education office or district education office; your online or offline teacher community or forum; your educational books, journals, magazines, or websites; etc.