The purpose of the reference list is to allow your sources to be be found by your reader. It also gives credit to authors whose work and ideas you have considered. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list, except for personal communications (such as conversations or emails) which cannot be retrieved.
APA style, currently in its 7th edition, is a citation protocol established by the American Psychological Association. The library provides access to resources like books (like the Publication Manual), eBooks, and websites that can help you cite sources in APA style. You can also visit our Citing Your Sources guide or explore the many FAQs on how to cite sources in APA.
how do you cite a book in apa style
The general format to cite books in APA Style is below, for more information please consult the FAQ: How do I cite a book or eBook in APA style? (don't forget to indent the second and subsequent lines).
The general format to cite eBooks in APA Style is below, for more information please consult the FAQ: How do I cite a book or eBook in APA style? (don't forget to indent the second and subsequent lines).
The general format to cite print journal and magazine articles in APA Style is below, for more information please consult the FAQ: How do I cite a journal or magazine article in APA style? (don't forget to indent the second and subsequent lines).
The general format to cite electronic journal or magazine articles in APA Style is below, for more information please consult the FAQ: How do I cite a journal or magazine article in APA style? (don't forget to indent the second and subsequent lines).
If you need to in-text reference a specific page or a range of pages in a book, you can do so easily in this form (Author, Year of publication, p. Page number) or (Author, Year of publication, pp. Page range).
APA in-text citation style uses the author's last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14). For sources such as websites and e-books that have no page numbers, use a paragraph number. More information on citing sources without pagination is given on the APA Style web page.
APA style has specific rules for citing works by multiple authors. Use the following guidelines to determine how to correctly cite works by multiple authors in text. See pages 174-176 of the manual.
APA in-text citation style uses the author's last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14). For sources such as websites and e-books that have no page numbers, use a paragraph number, for example: (Field, 2005, para. 1). More information on direct quotation of sources without pagination is given on the APA Style and Grammar Guidelines web page.
APA style has specific rules for citing works by multiple authors. Use the following guidelines to determine how to correctly cite works by multiple authors in text. For more information on citing works by multiple authors see the APA Style and Grammar Guidelines page on in-text citation.
Common exceptions to the conventional APA book citation format arise in classical and religious works where there is no known publication date. Give your writing extra polish Grammarly helps you communicate confidently Write with Grammarly
A textbook citation in APA format may look a bit different compared to a standard book citation because a textbook is more likely to have multiple authors or book editors. Below is an example of how to cite a textbook on your reference page:
When the entire book has been written by the same set of authors, and the chapters have not been contributed by different authors, then you regard the entire book as a single source and cite the whole book. If you use three different chapters from the same book, it still only counts as one source - only one book.
Are you trying to cite a section of a custom textbook? Custom textbooks are works that have been compiled for a particular course or cohort, and the chapters may have originally come from a variety of sources. Please see the section on Custom Textbooks under Class Handouts and Lectures.
The 7th edition of APA does not differentiate between the format of the books, print or electronic. Cite both the same way. If you have an open-access eBook, you may provide the URL at the end, provided it directly takes you to the full text without logging in.
Note: When citing in-text, it can be difficult if your eBook does not have a page number (most PDF books do). In this case, try to get as specific as possible by mentioning chapter, section, and paragraph numbers.
Only include the illustrator if the pictures are essential to understanding content (e.g., picture books, graphic novels) and if they are listed on the front cover. If the author is also the illustrator, credit them twice.
Identifying the format, platform, or device (e.g., ebook, Kindle book, etc.) of a chapter in an authored ebook is no longer needed. A chapter in an authored ebook from an academic collection should be treated as a chapter in an authored print book with the reference ending with the publisher. For a chapter in an authored print book or ebook with a DOI, see Chapter in an Authored Book with a DOI.
To create a reference for a chapter in an authored book, just create a reference for the entire book. Follow the authored print book example as a guide for creating the reference in the reference list. Do not include any chapter information within the reference. Instead, within the body of the paper, refer to the Chapter in the parenthetical or narrative citation.
Identifying the format, platform, or device (e.g., ebook, Kindle book, etc.) of a chapter in an edited book is no longer needed. A chapter in an edited ebook from an academic collection should be treated as a chapter in an edited print book. For a chapter in an edited print book or edited ebook from an academic collection that has a DOI, see Chapter in an Edited Book with a DOI.
Next, add the date the book was published. Examine the title page or the title verso page (back side of the title page) to determine the date of publication. Place in parentheses with a period following the parentheses.
Next, add the title and subtitle of the book. The title and subtitle are separated by a colon. Capitalize only the first word of title and subtitle as well as any proper nouns. Italicize title and subtitle. Do not add a period after the title!
Next, add the edition of the book (if there is one) and the page numbers of the chapter. The edition is added by adding the number and the abbreviation for edition, which is "ed." Add a period and comma after ed. Then, add the page numbers of the chapter, which are preceded by the abbreviation for pages, which is "pp." Place in parentheses, and add a period after the parentheses.
For more information about book citations, see page 326 of the APA Manual, 7th ed. For author format, title format, or source (publication) information, see pages 285-289, pages 291-293, and pages 293-301 respectively in the APA Manual, 7th ed.
Identifying the format, platform, or device (e.g., ebook, Kindle book, etc.) of a chapter in an authored ebook is no longer needed. A chapter in an authored ebook from an academic collection should be treated as a chapter in an authored print book. For a chapter in an authored print book or ebook without a DOI, see Chapter in an Authored Book without a DOI.
To create a reference for a chapter in an authored book, just create a reference for the entire book. Follow the example of an authored print book as a guide for creating the reference in the reference list. Do not include any chapter information within the reference. Instead, within the body of the paper, refer to the Chapter in the parenthetical or narrative citation.
For more information about book references with a DOI, see page 321 and page 322 of the APA Manual, 7th ed. For additional source (publication) information, see pages 293-301 in the APA Manual, 7th edition.
Identifying the format, platform, or device (e.g., ebook, Kindle book, etc.) of a chapter in an edited ebook is no longer needed. A chapter in an edited ebook from an academic collection should be treated as a chapter in an edited print book. For a chapter in an edited print book or ebook without a DOI, see Chapter in an Edited Book without a DOI.
To create a reference for a chapter in an edited book, follow the example for a chapter in an edited book without a DOI. At the end of the reference, after the publisher, add the DOI using the current DOI URL format. The current standard for the DOI begins with " ". Do not add a period after the DOI.
When you have more than one author, you need to write out up to 20 of them. This was a change that APA made in its 7th edition of its manual. Creating source citations for books with two or more authors is simple.
Everything is online, even books; therefore, you need to know how to create a citation for e-books. In the 7th edition of APA, they took out the need to include the retrieved from and the platform or device like [Kindle]. Now you include the publisher before the download site.
To create a reference citation for a book in APA, you need the author, date, title, and publisher. Some books will require additional elements like editions and volumes but these are the basic components. An example of a basic book citation includes:Gareven, J. R. (2015). Investigating the stars. New York Publishing.
When citing a book in the 6th edition of APA format, you include the location of the publisher in the citation. An example of an APA 6 book citation looks like:Author, A. (Year). Title of the book. Location. Publisher. 2ff7e9595c